West in Lyon 2024 결과

The results of the Sophisticated Jack&Jill semi during West in Lyon 2024 in Lyon 프랑스 at 03/07/2024.

Judges in this round were Christelle Antenucci, Henriette Koefoed, Philippe Amar, Alexandre Peducasse, Allan Thivoz, Henriette Koefoed, Alexandra Branco, Teddy Sanchez, Byron Brunerie, Miguel Ortega, Ludovic Pelegrin and Igor Pitangui.

Sophisticated Jack&Jill semi

198Stanley Seguy50
225Martial Roux50
307Stephane Dominguez50
353Sergey Sirotkin50
366Nicolas Bourgeais50
423Julien Manoukian50
426Nir David50
478Julien Bec50
283Stephane Gazzotti대체144.5
302Lucio Ughi대체244.3
200Yohan Poupard-Verdier아니오40
342Michael Magnani아니오40
499Hervé Cabuzel아니오대체234.3
193Mickael Bonsang아니오대체334.2
250Fred Caputo아니오아니오30
268Hamza Andaloussi대체1아니오대체129
160Sylvain Vimond아니오대체2대체228.6
147Sylvain Poincon아니오아니오대체324.2
254Sebastein Paletta아니오대체1아니오아니오14.5
232Remy Flipo대체2아니오아니오아니오14.3
317Jordan Fox아니오아니오아니오대체314.2
382David Millet대체3아니오아니오아니오14.2
245Anthony Montoya아니오아니오대체3대체1아니오8.7
238Cyril Milon아니오아니오아니오아니오아니오0
263Rémi Carneiro아니오아니오아니오아니오아니오0
103Elodie Chapon50
184Magalie Vergne50
399Ekaterina Wolff50
412Pilar Lopez de luzuriaga50
440Marine Monin50
445Barbara Oliva-Lanza50
106Jennifer Molle대체244.3
112Cyndie Petit아니오40
173Celine Fournier아니오40
481Emmanuelle Bertrand아니오40
556Alexandra Pasti아니오40
543Fabienne Querol대체3대체338.4
224Marie-Laurz Perrin대체1아니오34.5
282Audrey Gazzotti대체2아니오34.3
176Sylvie Nuguet아니오아니오30
459Laurence Poillon대체2아니오대체128.8
157Paula De Sousa Silva아니오아니오아니오20
400Julie Meliot아니오아니오아니오20
447Ludivine Evreux아니오아니오아니오20
424Amandine Lacroix아니오대체3대체3아니오18.4
237Karine Guarin Zivanovic대체1대체2대체1대체2아니오17.6
266Angélique Boully아니오아니오대체1아니오14.5
115Sandy Gay아니오아니오아니오대체314.2
159Géraldine Vimond아니오아니오아니오아니오10
244Aurelie Bascop아니오아니오아니오아니오10