SwingTime Denver 2024 results

The results of the Masters Open Jack&Jill final during SwingTime Denver 2024 in Spojené státy americké at 08/15/2024.

Judges in this round were Jakub Jakoubek, Melissa Rutz, Parker Dearborn, Emeline Rochefeuille, Courtney Adair and Ben McHenry.

Masters Open Jack&Jill final

Bib Number BMERJJMRPDCA Placement
466William MartinGoga Fortin132531st
706Gary ThompsonAdela Su373122nd
660Michael CaroMichelle Dwyer621363rd
311Claude FortinKathie Castro419444th
682James HLaura J. Thompson295715th
159Jim SlusherAmy Daniels767676th
640Bryan JordanHeather Maddigan588897th
701Charles BuffingtonLaura Koch1044988th
102Douglas RuddMonica Austin81061059th
126Tom CochranTina Slusher951021010th