Bavarian Open 2023 resultados

The results of the All-Stars/Champions Strictly prelim during Bavarian Open 2023 in München Alemania at 08/31/2023.

Judges in this round were Tschen Fung Wang, Vanessa Bachmann, Mejrem Halidovic, Caroline Hölker, Outi Salonen, Gal Kashi and Birte Pereira.

All-Stars/Champions Strictly prelim

242Ben MorrisAlyssa McKanville60
243Sean McKeeverCameo McHenry60
245Robert RoystonEkaterina Wolff60
755Tze Yi WeeLauren Jones60
246Joel TorgesonGiulia KohlruschAlt154.5
248PJ TurnerKarin KakunAlt254.3
191Daniil PavlovMaïna Vila CorbasiAlt2Alt148.8
882Ben McHenryLarisa TingleAlt1Alt1No39
145Attila KoboriChantelle PianettaAlt3NoAlt1Alt233
978Philippe AmarMarina MotronenkoAlt1NoAlt3Alt332.9
846Philipp WolffMia PastorAlt2Alt3Alt2Alt2No27.1
319Chuck BrownDalena LeeNoAlt3NoNoNo14.2
241Markus SchererHélène MickleNoNoNoNoNo10
976Marvin KoehlerJula PalengaNoNoNoAlt3NoNo4.2
160Mel VerduciCharline grossardNoNoNoNoNoNo0
239Attila PártosEvelina LundbergNoNoNoNoNoNo0
240Christian KallerMarine Le DudalNoNoNoNoNoNo0
938Clement TurpainArantxa lebonNoNoNoNoNoNo0