SwingCouver 2023/24 risultati

The results of the All-Stars Jack&Jill prelim during SwingCouver 2023/24 in Portland Stati Uniti d'America at 12/28/2023.

Judges in this round were Alyssa Glanville McKeever, Myles Munroe, Tessa Cunningham Munroe, Myles Munroe, Sean McKeever, Christopher Dumond, Courtney Adair and Ben McHenry.

All-Stars Jack&Jill prelim

356Za Thomaier30
371Keerigan Rudd30
478Jaden Pfeiffer30
486Andrew Sunada30
354Dayne DardenAlt124,5
110Maxwell LibbrechtAlt224,3
277Raymond ByunAlt324,2
500Juan AguirreAlt324,2
166Srikar BhagavatulaNo20
477Michael MilgromAlt2No14,3
173Chris LowNoAlt314,2
133David MulfordNoNoAlt14,5
255Alex WoodNoAlt1No4,5
449John SuAlt3NoNo4,2
280Brian SforzoNoNoNo0
453Allen UlbrichtNoNoNo0
163Floralie St-Hilaire-Adam30
164Anna Wallace30
301Rosemary Whitson30
316Amber O’Connell30
348Amanda Morrison30
158Anna BrinckmannAlt224,3
479Mackenzie KeisterAlt1Alt318,7
251Leilani NakagawaAlt1No14,5
247Marie-Pascale CôtéNoAlt214,3
268Carlie O'BrienAlt2No14,3
278Savannah Harris-ReadNoNo10
473marianne lowNoNo10
484Jen MalcolmNoNo10
444Phoeix GreyNoNoAlt14,5
253Ann WoodNoNoAlt34,2
281Judith AsemAlt3NoNo4,2
232Haley HauglumNoNoNo0
239Bella ViramontesNoNoNo0
323D'Leene DeBoerNoNoNo0
474Caroline SkaarNoNoNo0