Bachata Sensual Congress Germany 2024 結果

The results of the Novice Jack&Jill prelim during Bachata Sensual Congress Germany 2024 in Aachen ドイツ at 06/21/2024.

Judges in this round were Sina, Christina, Fabi, Sarah, Korke, Korke, Kevin Carvalho, Sonu, Stefaan and Aina.

Novice Jack&Jill prelim

Bib Number SoFKCStKΣ
69Chirag Bhuvaneshwaraはいはいはいはい40
111Marc Casadoはいはいはいはい40
118Youssef Youssefはいはいはいはい40
119Obada Alaboudはいはいはいはい40
67Rony Sleaviはいはいはい代替234.3
124Ayman Shananaはいはい代替3はい34.2
149Hans Clerckx代替1代替3はいいや18.7
150Salem Fahdy代替3代替2代替1代替117.5
56Christoph Hartmann代替2代替1代替2いや13.1
112Tobias Robertsいやいやいやはい10
42Gian-Luca Furiaいやいやいや代替34.2
135Apoorva Rokade0
Bib Number ACSaSiKΣ
108Thais De la Fuente Carreraはいはいはいはい40
142Laura Probstはいはいはいはい40
156Pavlinka-Mikchaela Somrakはいはいはいはい40
57Silke Gall代替1はいはいはい34.5
114Aida Zholymbetovaはいはいはい代替134.5
154Valeria Karasはい代替1はい代替228.8
48Loredana Paratoreはいはい代替1代替328.7
200Letizia Grala代替2代替2代替3はい22.8
115Anna Komand代替3代替3代替2はい22.7