SwingTime Denver 2024 results

The results of the Masters Novice Jack&Jill final during SwingTime Denver 2024 in United States🇬🇧 at 08/15/2024.

Judges in this round were Andrew Opyrchal, Lisa Picard, Michael Kiehm, Courtney Adair, Melodie Paletta and Kyle Fitzgerald.

Masters Novice Jack&Jill final

Bib Number AOKFLPMPMKCA Placement
202Steve FeldermanBev Hollis15127I.
70Roy LandisJennifer Roberts333101II.
450Jay MinnPaula Ramsum27243III.
239Tony KordLara Groff44836IV.
485Henry HedbergTanya Davis119514V.
277Steve EschenbachDenise clark71689VI.
206John AnthonyArrow Pride6117611VII.
465Todd MillardSarah Williams108458VIII.
210Richard MoraLynne Perry829710IX.
349Phillip NicholsonLyda Adair9611112X.
213Johnny BennettNatalie Hamilton5101095XI.