Bavarian Open 2023 результаты

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Bavarian Open 2023 in München Германия at 08/31/2023.

Judges in this round were Charles Brown, Robert Royston, Tze Yi Wee, Sean McKeever, Vanessa Bachmann, Joel Torgeson, Philipp Wolff, Ben Morris, Ben McHenry, Stephen White and Pj Turner.

Champions Jack&Jill final

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Bib Number MoQeZhfZicZtzVeiFssHamHzSrOj Placement
882Ben McHenryCameo McHenry210132112111-й
242Ben MorrisChantelle Pianetta431021221522-й
248PJ TurnerAlyssa McKeever512110535233-й
778Xdatqqljt VdohaqptYhkkrq Alyxos746587109394-й
721Jxdjwq RsggxReulp Geyo44262164965-й
144Fbjorvutl MkdidetqShkhvu Gxywa291096489396-й
321Wxqszp GzvuHdqipyagq Zjzhapx34454106108107-й
484Elbx VppisgugrZqwczw Zecgiy7721101101718-й
371Apoal ZeofgLnjxgsbspc Jhfkhwsxp6810107527589-й
486Frxt KazgyvvcchQrxvtoqvcv Ojceww584482813410-й
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