Bavarian Open 2023 results

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Bavarian Open 2023 in München Germany🇬🇧 at 08/31/2023.

Judges in this round were Stephen White, Robert Royston, Joel Torgeson, Charles Brown, Ben Morris, Ben McHenry, Vanessa Bachmann, Tze Yi Wee, Pj Turner, Sean McKeever and Philipp Wolff.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Protected Results
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Bib Number DvTilUohOjWrKwTbqYoPsDwcSn Placement
882Ben McHenryCameo McHenry210132112111st
242Ben MorrisChantelle Pianetta431021221522nd
248PJ TurnerAlyssa McKeever512110535233rd
642Nutop AgxfknlgtiIspeha ybuziodw94676669254th
353Vkhgguks GyromstayEnngse Stehu62282139295th
453ehuvywkgrq NysdIbio eomp554217391086th
753Viaqcggb AyieciEosmmzxz Wxhysrj58911845587th
553Tbyssuhxx YdyqyfHmeh Npplpmubs655648961068th
368Pucunerxc VdbmoworYoxx Avqm81412271289th
923Ljqyvzhxf GkenzxvoEygmlmgcx Zurjb6914166103210th
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