Dutch Open 2024 결과

The results of the Novice Jack&Jill prelim during Dutch Open 2024 in Venray 네덜란드 at 04/04/2024.

Judges in this round were Alexandre Peducasse, Valérie Freund, Lee Bartholomew, Pavel Kozlov, Mejrem Halidovic, Alexandre Peducasse, Miranda Lam and Alexandru Tanasoiu.

Novice Jack&Jill prelim

129Marvin Feja30
141Simeon Stephan30
161Hassan Kanouni30
192Fabian Thumshirn30
196Victor Hong30
215Gauthier Mahieu대체324.2
142Thilo Eichhorn아니오20
204Paul Volf아니오20
222Joachim Kreutzer아니오20
194Rolf Kulemann대체1대체218.8
178Luis Möller아니오대체114.5
182Frédéric Mignon대체2아니오14.3
144Jeff Ort아니오아니오10
226Olivier Husser아니오아니오10
231Koen Linnartz아니오아니오10
244Michael Klei아니오아니오10
146Erwin Dirckx대체2아니오대체38.5
497Christopher Berlato아니오아니오대체14.5
168Yury Smirnov아니오대체3아니오4.2
128Ulrich Bommes아니오아니오아니오0
151Roelof Huisman아니오아니오아니오0
206Marley van Workum아니오아니오아니오0
213Vanekhina Anastasia대체124.5
140Clara Stephan대체224.3
205Brenda Rademakers대체224.3
212Marie Fourriere대체324.2
145Dewi Wibowo아니오20
156Diana Bulyakova아니오20
160Julie Vancoppenolle아니오20
179Chiara Bachmann아니오20
210Christelle Girard아니오20
230Svenja Thiede아니오20
214Anna Fini아니오대체177.637814.5
499Jolie Keller아니오대체183.159314.5
209Nancy Salmon아니오대체314.2
227Sounda Majeri아니오대체314.2
137Yuliia potrymai아니오아니오10
143Inka Eichhorn아니오아니오10
159Joanne DeBrass아니오아니오10
162Nathalie Herin아니오아니오10
191Ute Thust아니오아니오10
217Veronique Lenaers아니오아니오10
132Nynke de Roest아니오대체2아니오4.3
133Sonja Weis아니오아니오아니오0
148Sophie Genne아니오아니오아니오0
150Yara Mangindaan아니오아니오아니오0
170Miranda le Rütte아니오아니오아니오0
181Denise Richardet아니오아니오아니오0
195Clara Lennartz아니오아니오아니오0
498Martine Douha아니오아니오아니오0