Global Grand Prix Swing Dance Championships 2022 결과

The results of the Jack&Jill Advanced prelim during Global Grand Prix Swing Dance Championships 2022 in Toulouse 프랑스 at 12/15/2022.

Judges in this round were Philippe Berne, Thibaut Ramirez, John Lindo, Ludovic Pelegrin, John Lindo, Nicole Ramirez, Stacy Kay, Stacy Kay, Laurena Houhou, Ludovic Pelegrin and Thibault Ramirez.

Jack&Jill Advanced prelim

105Florent Coïc30
111Vincent Morand30
114Mel Verduci30
167Matthew Mickle30
207Vincent Lallemand30
Bib Number LHNRPBLPSKThibaulRamirezJLΣ
242Rachel Belhadj아니오50
170Evgenia Itkina대체1대체149
213Marine Moinault아니오대체144.5
175Arantxa Lebon아니오아니오40
124Marine Le Dudal대체2아니오대체3대체232.8
101Cecile Terrillon아니오대체1아니오아니오24.5
109Gaelle Boissat대체2아니오아니오아니오24.3
208Cynthia Grosbois아니오아니오아니오아니오20
205Marine Valet아니오대체2대체1아니오아니오18.8
142Laura Diaz대체3아니오아니오아니오대체118.7
217Heloise Cossin아니오대체3아니오대체2아니오18.5
216MAGALIE VERGNE아니오대체3아니오아니오대체318.4
166Hélene Mickle아니오아니오아니오아니오아니오10
220Clemence Peybernès아니오아니오아니오대체2대체3아니오8.5