Budafest 2024 Ergebnisse

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Budafest 2024 in Budapest Ungarn at 01/03/2024.

Judges in this round were Anna Wallace, Laurena Houhou, Jérôme Fernandez, Chuck Brown, Fernanda Dubiel, Emma Collyer, Izabella Kowalska, Mathieu Compagnon, Jula Palenga and Miguel Ortega.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Geschützte Ergebnisse
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unten.
Bib Number MmQxXuGdeUjHsGzNbpDmfMv Placement
930Jordan FrisbeeVictoria Henk1111157311.
926Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez3434522232.
936Ben MorrisTatiana Mollmann2342764123.
720Vcmcmu VwolpkwRpafhwnm Njsj4389192634.
973Qirwu GsyliAhrucocnqo Ajwvwdtcy2165972665.
235Pcxvme PwmeqrPvgpdvi Cbrcvtabvc7261712146.
156Fmrxykggs SvqbcepksXdrkemfhfx Rsuemojt3865727377.
676Tgayqyws AzrviowdocLuprxwb Qgdotyjh4696464758.
152Yqxto MivgnAsbq Spfzodmx6883822589.
Diese Ergebnisse sind geschützt.
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