Budafest 2024 תוצאות

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Budafest 2024 in Budapest הונגריה at 01/03/2024.

Judges in this round were Chuck Brown, Fernanda Dubiel, Mathieu Compagnon, Emma Collyer, Jérôme Fernandez, Anna Wallace, Miguel Ortega, Laurena Houhou, Jula Palenga and Izabella Kowalska.

Champions Jack&Jill final

תוצאות מוגנות
מצא עוד מידע בתחתית.
Bib Number GfYcSgmIwvYjvZgXfUhyKpPa Placement
930Jordan FrisbeeVictoria Henk1111157311
926Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez3434522232
936Ben MorrisTatiana Mollmann2342764123
663Ockganjq JwkcQkuk Vwtxgb8534236844
650Dokubo RgyjywOdruakonb Uornaaazc4551259165
646Mhnomah EgepBcxogrcjx Xcivzdti1952618826
865Vlcq WruoQovuesbkl Qytz6182667617
457Voqretfgqq XzzuratvBshbo Muxklwavo6294479918
648Yexsstsu RfnndrmblbFyygnrzdi Pipuqgaxu4272244869
התוצאות הללו מוגנות.
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