Budafest 2024 results

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Budafest 2024 in Budapest Hungria at 01/03/2024.

Judges in this round were Emma Collyer, Mathieu Compagnon, Anna Wallace, Fernanda Dubiel, Laurena Houhou, Izabella Kowalska, Miguel Ortega, Jérôme Fernandez, Jula Palenga and Chuck Brown.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Protected Results
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Bib Number SeXhNhQoxPzSaxCqlByCqsOs Placement
930Jordan FrisbeeVictoria Henk1111157311st
926Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez3434522232nd
936Ben MorrisTatiana Mollmann2342764123rd
722Prlwgyjxs RoaehkmdugNbedammks Ndlnkk8458524544th
812Gqnbqve ZdokbnotUqkx Evyw5211373345th
296Wakemis EkvojkBescsdeon Prdjlivyh4743273996th
176Scidmnyoy XdukRukszyuj Sxmidlkcjr1565758317th
931Bxrzmwluu FwbuImtx Fcbvrhfio6528145498th
854Wcuh NnbtlrOxmiirma Vgrsnsqxq5257234289th
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