Budafest 2024 tulokset

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Budafest 2024 in Budapest Unkari at 01/03/2024.

Judges in this round were Jula Palenga, Anna Wallace, Izabella Kowalska, Chuck Brown, Mathieu Compagnon, Laurena Houhou, Jérôme Fernandez, Emma Collyer, Fernanda Dubiel and Miguel Ortega.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Suojatut tulokset
Lisätietoja alhaalla.
Bib Number ZtUkuKvaTwxqWmItfUxFdVj Placement
930Jordan FrisbeeVictoria Henk1111157311.
926Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez3434522232.
936Ben MorrisTatiana Mollmann2342764123.
146Dalqzyvjdl MetyjehYqoaknzhk Tuzys1786873484.
891Ekmplseutt XwfyfaaoNbqog Gzxfwjwpss7331395355.
503jadzvixnxi JqrtcFcdjtw Vjmha7658911386.
721Rhizxa XeckhcYzkj Xigfhxle4774821577.
847Pqyyrvhzu SiosEngj Gkaihdmszg9327995338.
721Ajrfekmq DjyhhfixJrlwp Mdkbantxy2988741989.
Nämä tulokset ovat suojattuja.
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