Budafest 2024 risultati

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Budafest 2024 in Budapest Ungheria at 01/03/2024.

Judges in this round were Izabella Kowalska, Anna Wallace, Jula Palenga, Fernanda Dubiel, Mathieu Compagnon, Laurena Houhou, Emma Collyer, Jérôme Fernandez, Miguel Ortega and Chuck Brown.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Risultati protetti
Trova ulteriori informazioni in basso.
Bib Number TyXhNpBeBcSnAaYsOtwUgw Placement
930Jordan FrisbeeVictoria Henk111115731
926Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez343452223
936Ben MorrisTatiana Mollmann234276412
552Xhhm OeazyyqzHujrj Mlxopphyz779131842
627Kzykmwso GhfvozdRugrvvuie Ceenxvwt911673216
948Sfhlmfmxp JkodkPjlhut Sxzp242753878
909Gpsu TwpkbhzlnvWukgnntv Krdzi191461621
683Klijat TnuzCcdlzwvys Zhep497894963
350Cwvsqgwphu YawttfYaaacn Ifibvzj879634325
Questi risultati sono protetti.
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