SwingTime Denver 2024 tulokset

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during SwingTime Denver 2024 in Yhdysvallat at 08/15/2024.

Judges in this round were Michael Kiehm, Sharlot Bott, Mark Scheuffele, Courtney Adair, John Kirkconnell and Ginger Pickerel.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Suojatut tulokset
Lisätietoja alhaalla.
Bib Number PxaFzXbWbrKtGn Placement
195Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez121121.
428Maxime ZzaouiTorri Zzaoui232312.
77Jakub JakoubekTatiana Mollmann417433.
623Rgchmx TzbridCgvsggehf Fiwmstpv2111524.
430Udmgok EjmbglixMrzlgl Rhkjtj296715.
983Vboqawcg OawulkbwJteubtm Bpqdzk41010336.
867Esgunpfeui GycopoXqnxfhv Ytleh4952107.
441Iirnmlyip RitaxoKnmdwrvts Bshymt23610118.
364Jketu GeacuispbhZinilmcu Mcfuuaixps61071119.
901Gyisa XnamgCqzotcntf Kxbymxtij10467110.
372Utvnk HoquoipnWccss Qziqrdio111109711.
Nämä tulokset ovat suojattuja.
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