SwingTime Denver 2024 results

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during SwingTime Denver 2024 in United States🇬🇧 at 08/15/2024.

Judges in this round were Ginger Pickerel, Michael Kiehm, Mark Scheuffele, Sharlot Bott, Courtney Adair and John Kirkconnell.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Protected Results
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Bib Number JnMaMoIvvQufIh Placement
195Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez121121st
428Maxime ZzaouiTorri Zzaoui232312nd
77Jakub JakoubekTatiana Mollmann417433rd
896Fgirprow UhpsoHrlgulzlfr Sgihm1036874th
889Olxmoq FkmjSgqwqmyjcq Akchro768785th
613Vndnmu JxavNkzncvuxc Griwqq377326th
189Xnhqf YryomyhphwBxwfzeqz Zvalnluhep11681027th
691Pigdcevlnp GwucbjPvkgaeklm Gqvqsc11011838th
525Tdsrm MmoibdbulYnckucb Drrclkbgoz56910119th
938Csvsapvekz XabytrxwtBstvqrsca ukxbrgckty38108810th
514Qnjztnnd EeyvHwqebck Avvzykgucw2844611th
These results are protected.
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