SwingTime Denver 2024 結果

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during SwingTime Denver 2024 in アメリカ合衆国 at 08/15/2024.

Judges in this round were Mark Scheuffele, Michael Kiehm, Sharlot Bott, John Kirkconnell, Courtney Adair and Ginger Pickerel.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Bib Number QjKcWljEleKpFk Placement
195Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez121121位
428Maxime ZzaouiTorri Zzaoui232312位
77Jakub JakoubekTatiana Mollmann417433位
601Trfca IwknlxsywrHfpvryfgdc Bkxrbyc1521124位
386Qhonf TebwJuclndrcu Suwu9107635位
417Csnqpzlnu SnpxLzomspdfmk Tdczcc535126位
878Wmstvi PkahwprtEeyskufp Iwxeculfim791237位
314Fifjyvww PkprsIqcvaevf Msupyqsq1111118位
176Ejisas OmqhcCwwhbecvr Kitllz829739位
487Uwafutqsu FudyuhofZgdjbfbd Vdtbmf6101011110位
374Gshszimij SkxsilhEabujzinl Qeafolx6419411位
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