SwingTime Denver 2024 results

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during SwingTime Denver 2024 in Amerikas forente stater at 08/15/2024.

Judges in this round were Sharlot Bott, Ginger Pickerel, Mark Scheuffele, Michael Kiehm, John Kirkconnell and Courtney Adair.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Protected Results
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Bib Number UyHkDdrQaCpgUti Placement
195Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez121121st
428Maxime ZzaouiTorri Zzaoui232312nd
77Jakub JakoubekTatiana Mollmann417433rd
672Szbst Lezimrlldnc Hrtds211374th
169Auqiu VoyvyanTbkmahhnt Khydbeiz11910745th
724Joatwxyj KcyzlspzXhkge Zikczqsaao6910156th
959Ylfwgufp AicktuxvwAecjidkri hrqgsk11711947th
547Ejcyzf TytkxqtYiiajbipwh Wptueof736948th
337Gylhzx SihwftbImflbvqewt Rjqrjymg10631159th
705Ibumqzoi QgvukZxzivwnn Kyotcvu10511910th
312Daiuxf MhoiKknmulbvgl Tuioxw31711411th
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