SwingTime Denver 2024 결과

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during SwingTime Denver 2024 in 미합중국 at 08/15/2024.

Judges in this round were Mark Scheuffele, Sharlot Bott, Courtney Adair, John Kirkconnell, Michael Kiehm and Ginger Pickerel.

Champions Jack&Jill final

보호된 결과
아래에서 자세한 정보를 확인하세요.
Bib Number DizIwpfbDlxDaKz Placement
195Thibaut RamirezNicole Ramirez121121등
428Maxime ZzaouiTorri Zzaoui232312등
77Jakub JakoubekTatiana Mollmann417433등
344Awcjvlp WencyhozvyCkcicbc Wcwconvlsv273524등
220Xrpue LwmqgmCkcjb Vdcepstch10102245등
971Ckpy KjnqnlaFomkg Pciwc85101146등
434Mznld JeplpngdZnuzkvt Qitney314747등
376Joakjrtqgc MjixFiqhpeoy Qsipakxdo10115588등
278Aquthxlv MhgqfehebCtbswu Qpvstqoqn10341079등
457uexd XyhodOvykejcs Hhhvvdi7128410등
816Hbrl FaqthRxmmlxxa Onqvbobvga9229511등
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