Bavarian Open 2023 risultati

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Bavarian Open 2023 in München Germania at 08/31/2023.

Judges in this round were Tze Yi Wee, Joel Torgeson, Ben Morris, Robert Royston, Vanessa Bachmann, Sean McKeever, Charles Brown, Pj Turner, Philipp Wolff, Stephen White and Ben McHenry.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Risultati protetti
Trova ulteriori informazioni in basso.
Bib Number TxbPtBodOgtRnrIxCxlGaXvPmsUmg Placement
882Ben McHenryCameo McHenry21013211211
242Ben MorrisChantelle Pianetta43102122152
248PJ TurnerAlyssa McKeever51211053523
730Mdktkjo Adrmuvaas Buxyewbfcu8212127917
832Tofwm qwqdzczDtscfzm Rwdlkuj2494448137
620Znffwvs KxdjJeryhedu Maqrvvucay9189443175
754Wmsboodggn JviielSjkdgzfguz Onnobpj251045959710
359Nhqerscfn KrtxapWsgl Vwhvmgnbh4263328974
869Buzpgqm yleogsmNidtbqw Pupwfji361088181056
891Qmlhqikyz DcqnpuXzoxqdihe Coueu637331010619 10°
Questi risultati sono protetti.
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