Bavarian Open 2023 results

The results of the Champions Jack&Jill final during Bavarian Open 2023 in München Germany at 08/31/2023.

Judges in this round were Ben Morris, Stephen White, Robert Royston, Ben McHenry, Sean McKeever, Joel Torgeson, Philipp Wolff, Charles Brown, Tze Yi Wee, Pj Turner and Vanessa Bachmann.

Champions Jack&Jill final

Protected Results
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Bib Number GkOtvIvEhUruHnnEsAtsWjjDunHwf Placement
882Ben McHenryCameo McHenry210132112111st
242Ben MorrisChantelle Pianetta431021221522nd
248PJ TurnerAlyssa McKeever512110535233rd
934Apxsjs etukmpkEnzbezihux Wfhwsiemj79368159444th
810Yxzwjmf BhibXspzxnkkle rigu94594338255th
124Ijmntoy XupsyVudkvdthv Shdljjd1031058644216th
980Ddsi Gzchlojunxynrkr Soevre391036364217th
772Ndoihfzz OknfnindmBfejmwyvcl Rqzty79214341768th
590Tcvy CcjwmtllnRejmefq Wicn310997829629th
668Fmnakep AnzicgetlVlxqagutvk Dvurukpz7688106218510th
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